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Reine Energie Reinertrag

Family house with 11 kW heat pump system

Geological conditions: there are sand, gravel, clay and  marl and sandstone-layers under soil.


The heat demand of this familiy house is 11 kW, so a Bosch heat pump was installed with 11kW nominal performance. This heat pump supplies the domestic hot water demand, too and it has a weather-dependent regulator.
There are 2 pieces BHEs with 100 m depth on the primary side of this system. The pipes are single BHE with 40 mm diameter and the primary side is filled with ethylene glycol and water. The grouting material is bentonite-cement. This system utilized 8,3 kW geothermal heat.
The free-cooling is done by heat exchanger on the primary side. The heat pump makes domestic hot water in a 165-liter combined tank.
According to the plan this heat pump system was installed by the HGD Ltd.

Angewandte Technologie: 
Wärmepumpe-System mit Erdwärmekollektoren
11 kW