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Clear energy Pure benefit

Telenor House - TRT

Telenor house is located in Torokbalint, in Egett-valley. Aimed at thorough mapping of the geological structure and hydrogeological conditions a boring test of 100 m has been applied in 2007.

After boring we made geophysical logging and following this geophysical logging a simple geothermal heat exchanger of 100 m has been built in the borehole where we performed response test. During the boring test we traversed clayey, sandy formations of Pleistocene period under the thin Holocene topsoil. Formations from Pleistocene period were followed by sabulous, sandy, clayey layers from Miocene period in the successive layers. Boring test stopped in 100 m deep in the formation from Miocene period.

During measuring we recorded the temperature of the ongoing and returning section and the mass flow of the circulated fluid. Before starting with boring test we recorded the steady state. The measured temperature values varied along the 100 m section between 11.99 – 13.97 ˚C.

Applied technology: 
Thermal Response Test
Year created: