Description of project:
Partner: Környezettudatos Építo Ltd.
- 11 flats
- ~1000 m2 heated-cooled area
- 11kW heating demand
- 11kW domestic hot water
- 22kW (2x11kW) heat pump
- 30m2 solar collector for central DHW supply (~60% of the annual demand)
Building energy makings:
- Thermal insulation
- 3-layer glazing
- Recuperative mechanicalventilation per flats (17°C pre-heated fresh air)
- Screening: on the balcony, motorized rolling shutter
- Solar photovoltaic system is installed in one flat.
- Installation of solar island will be established based on common experience in 2012 to cover the consumption.
- Contractor involvement in operation
Full monitoring (remote controll) installation